Good and services Structures, internal partitions and finishings, roofing, acoustic and thermal isolation, external walls and façades Structures FloorsReinforced concrete floors Roofing Steel roofPanels and metallic sheets for roofInsulated metallic panels for roofComposite panels for roofCurved panels for roofRoofing systemsSystems for ventilated roofsFire-resistant panels with mineral fibre Acoustic panels with mineral fibreTrapezoidal sheets for roofingSky-light frame on panelGutters and various flashingsRidges, under-ridges and fixingAccessories Internal partitions and finishings Internal partitionsPartitions with self-bearing panelsCeilings Panels for ceilingsAcoustic ceilingsFire-resistant ceilingsPanels for cold rooms External walls and façades Metallic claddings for façadesPanels and metallic sheets for façadesInsulated metallic panels for façadesPanels for façades made of composite materials Fire-resistantPanels for external claddingSystems for façadesBuilding envelopeVentilated façadesSystems for continuous façadesSystems for architectural façadesInsulating metal panels for façadesAcoustic panels with mineral fibreFire-resistant panels with mineral fibreSpecial components with thermic cutAccessories and finishings Acoustic and thermal isolation Panels and acoustic feltsAcoustic and soundproofing insulating panels with mineral fibreAcoustic and soundproofing insulating panels for ceilings Choose Elcom System Whatever your needs, we will do our best to meet yr. requirements. Fill in the form below Ask information How to get us The Elcom System Spa headquarters are located in Pantalla di Todi, in the heart of Umbria. Come and discover the factory direct point of sale as well. Where we are